2020 ESPN X Games

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For the first year ever, a Unified Ski competition was part of the line-up of the Special Olympics Unified races at the 2020 ESPN X Games.  This year marked the sixth Unified Snowboard competition.  The races took place on January 23rd in Aspen, Colorado.

For each race, athletes were teamed up in pairs consisting of a Special Olympics athlete and a pro athlete.  For both the Unified Snowboarding and Unified Skiing competitions, each team member raced down the slopes in a 2-person race, Special Olympics athletes together and pro athletes together.  The race times of each team were combined together into one time.

Southsiders athlete, Haldan Pranger, was one of six Special Olympics Colorado athletes chosen to compete at this event.  Haldan was paired with pro athlete, Alex Ferreira.  They took silver in their event.  Congratulations Haldan!