Participate as a Volunteer 

Volunteers are essential to ensuring that Special Olympics Colorado and the Southsiders Program can continue to provide athletes with training and competition opportunities.

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Volunteers are essential

to ensuring that Special Olympics Colorado and the Southsiders Program can continue to provide athletes with training and competition opportunities.  There are many different volunteer opportunities available such as:  coaching athletes, training and competing with athletes as a Unified Partner, helping at competitions, and helping with a fundraising event.  Every role is invaluable to us and makes a big difference to our athletes and their families.  The most valuable gift you have is YOU.  How you give of yourself adds value to the lives of those around you, and will ultimately lead to unexpected returns.

NEEDED: Coaches/Volunteers to help with Speed Skating and Cycling


Volunteer for Southsiders Special Olympics


Volunteer for Special Olympics Colorado

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“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

- Winston Churchill